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How to Eat Healthy Amidst Busy Schedule

Wouldn’t it be nice if instead of planning what to eat, searching for healthy but tasty recipes on the internet for hours, buying the correct ingredients, measuring, chopping and dicing – everything has been prepared for you and delivered straight to your doorstep? All you have to do then is follow easy steps (with pictures!) and you can already eat in around 30 minutes. It does not only save you time but it also guarantees that what you eat is healthy! Below are 6 online brands that provide this kind of service. Let’s tackle about the costs, pros and cons of each.


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Do Statins Cause ED?

Statins are used to control LDL Cholesterol in our bodies. They are effective, which is why cardiologists prescribe them for their patients at risk for heart attack, coronary heart disease, angina and stroke. Sometimes, however, they get prescribed to patients with a family history of the above conditions. An important note on statins is that while they reduce cholesterol being made by the body, they do NOT remove any blockages already in existence.


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Do You Have Arthritis?

Take a guess as to what the leading cause of disability in America is? Go ahead. We can wait. The title of this post is a clue, of course. But if someone stopped you on the street and asked, what would you answer? Heart problems and cancer are certainly up there as reasons to miss work, along with diabetes. But the actual answer is arthritis. 54 million people in the United States have some form of the disease. Are you one of them? Do you have arthritis?