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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: Fungus Culture, Blood Test

Fungus Culture, Blood Test

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The Fungus Culture Blood Test checks for fungal infections in the blood, helping doctors find the type of fungus causing symptoms like fever, fatigue, or breathing issues, especially in people with weak immune systems.

Sale ends 01/24!


What is the purpose of this test?

The Fungus Culture, Blood Test is designed to detect fungal infections in the bloodstream. Fungal infections can occur when harmful fungi enter the blood, potentially spreading to vital organs like the heart, brain, and lungs. Early detection is crucial as fungal infections can lead to severe health complications, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems or underlying medical conditions.

This test identifies the specific type of fungus causing the infection, helping healthcare providers choose the most effective treatment. It is especially valuable in cases where symptoms are unexplained, and fungal infections are suspected as the root cause. The test provides vital information for managing and treating systemic fungal infections.

Who should get this test?

  • Individuals with weakened immune systems due to conditions like HIV/AIDS or cancer.
  • Patients undergoing organ transplants or chemotherapy.
  • Individuals with persistent or unexplained fever.
  • Those at risk of invasive fungal infections, such as people with long-term central venous catheters or hospitalized patients.
  • People with symptoms that may suggest a systemic fungal infection, like prolonged fatigue, difficulty breathing, or unexplained weight loss.

When should I order a Fungus Culture, Blood Test?

Individuals may consider ordering this test if they have symptoms or concerns related to fungal infections.

Symptoms to consider:

  • Persistent fever that doesn’t respond to antibiotics.
  • Chronic fatigue, weakness, or unexplained weight loss.
  • Respiratory issues like shortness of breath, coughing, or chest pain.
  • Symptoms of sepsis, including rapid heartbeat, confusion, or chills.
  • Skin lesions or rashes that don’t heal or worsen over time.
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No special preparation is required.

Test Results:

30-42 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.

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