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Gillis Blood Test Panel

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The Gillis blood test panel includes complete blood count (CBC) with differential and platelets, comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP-14) with eGFR, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), lipase serum test, lactic acid dehydrogenase (LD), and ammonia plasma test.


Test Code:



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Fasting for 12 hours required. Stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection. You should not smoke prior to collection.

Test Results:

2-4 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

Walk-In Lab is prohibited from selling LabCorp tests to residents in the following states:NY, NJ, RI, MA, MD

Order the Gillis blood test panel to monitor the following:


Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Differential and Platelets


A CBC is a comprehensive screening test that can help diagnose a wide range of illnesses and diseases, including anemia, leukemia, bleeding disorders, and infections. The CBC provides the following information:


  • White Blood Cells (WBC) - The body's primary defense against disease and helps to fight infection.
  • Red Blood Cells (RBC) - Responsible for carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from all cells. Iron deficiency will lower the RBC count.
  • Hemoglobin - A chemical compound inside red cells that transports oxygen through the bloodstream to all cells of the body. Hemoglobin gives the red color to blood.
  • Hematocrit - Measures the amount of space red blood cells take up in the blood. It is reported as a percentage.
  • Lymphocytes - This result, along with basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and neutrophils, deal with white blood cell function.
  • Monocytes - This result, along with basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, and neutrophils, deal with white blood cell function. 
  • Neutrophils - This result, along with basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes, deal with white blood cell function.
  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) - The average hemoglobin concentration within a red blood cell.
  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) - The average hemoglobin concentration percentage within a red blood cell.
  • Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) - The average size of red blood cells.
  • Platelets - Blood cell particles associated with the forming of blood clots.
  • Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) - Measures the amount of red blood cell variation in volume and size.


Comprehensive Metabolic Pane (CMP-14) with eGFR


The comprehensive metabolic panel or CMP blood test is a group of 14 laboratory tests ordered to give information about the current status of your liver, kidneys, electrolytes, and acid/base balance. The CMP test gives the current status of your blood sugar and blood proteins also.


  • Glucose - Blood sugar level, the most direct test to screen for diabetes and also used in diabetes management.


  • Kidney Profile
    • Bun or Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - An indicator of kidney function.  
    • Creatinine, Serum - An indicator of kidney function.  
    • Bun/Creatinine Ratio - Calculated by dividing BUN by creatinine. This ratio can suggest conditions including dehydration or intestinal bleeding.
    • Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) - Measures kidney function to determine kidney disease stage and detect early kidney damage.


  • Liver Panel
    • Protein, Total - Assists in determining liver and kidney function and nutritional health.
    • Albumin Serum - One of the major proteins essential for the healthy function of the liver and kidney. 
    • Globulin, Total - One of the major proteins that assist the blood to clot properly and also comprises infection-fighting antibodies. 
    • Albumin/Globulin Ratio - Calculated by dividing albumin by globulin. When paired with other test results, this ratio can assist in the diagnosis of a variety of liver problems. 
    • Bilirubin, Total - Aids in the detection of hepatitis, sickle cell, anemia, cirrhosis, alcohol, and drug abuse. High concentrations may result in jaundice.
    • Alkaline Phosphatase - A protein vital in detecting bone disorders and liver disease.
    • Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST or SGOT) - An enzyme helpful in evaluating liver function. An elevated level is an indication of hepatitis. 
    • Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT) - An enzyme helpful in identifying liver damage. Abnormalities may represent liver disease.


  • Fluids & Electrolytes
    • Sodium - One of the major salts in body fluid. Sodium is important in water balance and the electrical activity of nerves and muscles.
    • Potassium - Helps to control the nerves and muscles.
    • Chloride - Similar to sodium, it helps to maintain the body's electrolyte balance.
    • Carbon Dioxide, Total - Used to help detect, evaluate, and monitor electrolyte imbalances.
    • Calcium - A mineral essential for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It is also important for the normal function of muscles, nerves, and blood clotting.


Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH)


TSH is a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. This gland is responsible for making sure that the thyroid hormones are released into the blood. TSH test is a thyroid function test used to assist in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders, monitor thyroid replacement therapy in patients with hypothyroidism, diagnose and/or monitor female infertility problems, and occasionally the test is used to help evaluate pituitary gland function. While the test is most often used to help diagnose thyroid disorders in adults, expert opinions vary on the benefits of screening, and at what age to begin testing. 


One type of thyroid disorder is Hypothyroidism which means that the thyroid gland is underactive. Some symptoms that can be related to this disorder are:

  • weight gain
  • dry skin
  • constipation
  • a feeling of being too cold
  • tiredness


Another type of thyroid disorder is Hyperthyroidism which means that the thyroid gland is overactive. Symptoms associated with this disorder may include:

  • weight loss
  • rapid heart rate
  • nervousness
  • diarrhea
  • a feeling of being too hot


Lipase Serum


A lipase serum test can help diagnose pancreatitis which is more specific for pancreatitis than is serum amylase; diagnose peritonitis, strangulated or infarcted bowel, pancreatic cyst. Serum lipase is usually normal in patients with elevated serum amylase, without pancreatitis, who have a peptic ulcer, salivary adenitis, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal obstruction, and macroamylasemia. The coexistence of increased serum amylase with normal lipase may be a helpful clue to the presence of macroamylasemia. Lipase is elevated with amylase in acute pancreatitis, but the elevation of lipase is more prolonged.


Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase (LD)


A lactate dehydrogenase (LD or LDH) test is a non-specific test that may be used in the evaluation of a number of diseases and conditions. LD is an enzyme that is found in almost all of the body's cells (as well as in bacteria) and is released from cells into the fluid portion of blood (serum or plasma) when cells are damaged or destroyed. Thus, the blood level of LD is a general indicator of tissue and cellular damage. Conditions that can result in elevated LDH levels include anemia, meningitis, mononucleosis, HIV, sepsis, liver disease, kidney disease, muscle injury, broken bones, and some types of cancers. It is used to assess an acute heart attack or chronic inflammatory conditions of the kidney or liver.


If LD is elevated, then more specific tests, such as ALT, AST, or ALP, may help diagnose the condition and help determine which organs are involved. Once the acute or chronic problem is diagnosed, total LD levels may be ordered at regular intervals to monitor its progress and/or resolution.


LD levels may also occasionally be ordered when an individual has experienced muscle trauma or injury or when a person has signs and symptoms of hemolytic anemia.


LD testing may be ordered on a regular basis when an individual has been diagnosed with cancer.


Ammonia Plasma


An ammonia plasma test measures the amount of ammonia in the blood. When intestinal bacteria break down proteins, ammonia is commonly formed. Once ammonia has been created, it becomes urea. The urine removes the urea. When the levels of ammonia in the blood start rising too rapidly, it is vital to ensure that the liver functions correctly. Cirrhosis or severe cases of hepatitis may be the culprits. 


For the following reasons, an ammonia plasma test is often performed: 

  • those receiving high-calorie IV nutrition supplements
  • to verify if the liver is functioning properly
  • to assess the extent of damage to the body or health effects of acute liver failure
  • measure the efficacy of current treatments for severe liver disease 


The plasma ammonia test can help to detect possible health problems such as: 

  • cirrhosis
  • liver disease
  • other genetic urea cycle disorders

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