Knee issues but still want to exercise?

Exercise is an important part of maintaining overall health and wellness, but for those with knee pain or injuries, finding low-impact workouts can be a challenge. High-impact exercises, such as running or jumping, can put a lot of strain on the knees, which can lead to further pain and injury. However, there are plenty of gentle exercises that can help you stay active and healthy without putting too much pressure on your knees.

Exercise is an important part of maintaining overall health and wellness, but for those with knee pain or injuries, finding low-impact workouts can be a challenge. High-impact exercises, such as running or jumping, can put a lot of strain on the knees, which can lead to further pain and injury. However, there are plenty of gentle exercises that can help you stay active and healthy without putting too much pressure on your knees.

Here are the top exercises that are gentle on the knees:


Swimming is a great low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints, including the knees. The buoyancy of the water helps to support your body weight, which means there is less stress on your joints as you move. Swimming is also a great cardiovascular workout that can help improve your overall fitness and health.


Cycling is another low-impact exercise that is gentle on the knees. Whether you ride a stationary bike or take a leisurely ride on the road, cycling can provide a great cardiovascular workout without putting too much pressure on your joints. Just be sure to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your rides to avoid overdoing it.

Elliptical machine

The elliptical machine is a great way to get a cardiovascular workout without putting too much strain on your knees. The elliptical motion helps to reduce impact on the joints, making it a great choice for those with knee pain or injuries. Just be sure to start slowly and adjust the resistance and incline to find the right intensity for your fitness level.


Yoga is a great low-impact exercise that can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Many yoga poses are gentle on the knees, making it a great choice for those with knee pain or injuries. Yoga can also help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can be beneficial for overall health and well-being.

Tai chi

Tai chi is a low-impact exercise that combines gentle movements with deep breathing and relaxation. It is a great choice for those with knee pain or injuries because it helps to improve balance and coordination, while also being gentle on the joints. Tai chi can also help to reduce stress and improve overall health and well-being.


Pilates is a low-impact exercise that focuses on core strength and stability. Many Pilates exercises are gentle on the knees, making it a great choice for those with knee pain or injuries. Pilates can also help to improve flexibility and overall strength, making it a great addition to any fitness routine.

Water aerobics

Water aerobics is a great low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints, including the knees. The buoyancy of the water helps to support your body weight, which means there is less stress on your joints as you move. Water aerobics is a great cardiovascular workout that can help improve your overall fitness and health.


Walking is a simple and accessible exercise that is gentle on the knees. It is a great way to get some low-impact cardiovascular exercise and improve overall health and fitness. Just be sure to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your walks to avoid overdoing it.

Strength training

While strength training may not be the first exercise that comes to mind when thinking of low-impact workouts, it can actually be very gentle on the knees. By using proper form and starting with lighter weights, you can build strength and improve overall fitness without putting too much strain on your knees. Some good options for knee-friendly strength training exercises include leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls, as well as exercises that target the core, such as planks and bridges.


Stretching is not typically thought of as an exercise, but it can be an important part of maintaining flexibility and mobility, especially for those with knee pain or injuries. Gentle stretches, such as standing quad stretches and calf stretches, can help to improve flexibility and reduce strain on the knees. Just be sure to start slowly and only stretch to a comfortable level to avoid overdoing it.

In conclusion, there are plenty of gentle exercises that can help you stay active and healthy without putting too much pressure on your knees. Whether you prefer low-impact cardiovascular workouts or strength training and stretching, there are options for everyone. Just be sure to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity to avoid overdoing it, and to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine.

It’s important to keep in mind that even though these exercises are generally considered to be gentle on the knees, it’s still possible to overdo it or do them incorrectly, which can lead to further pain or injury. If you have knee pain or injuries, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine.

Additionally, there are a few things you can do to help protect your knees while exercising:

  • Wear proper shoes: Wearing shoes with good support and cushioning can help reduce the impact on your knees.
  • Use good form: Proper form is important for all exercises, especially when it comes to protecting your knees. Make sure to follow proper techniques and listen to your body to avoid overdoing it.
  • Warm-up and cool down: It’s important to warm up and cool down properly before and after exercising to help reduce the risk of injury. This can include stretches, light cardio, or other low-impact exercises.
  • Take breaks: If you’re feeling any pain or discomfort in your knees, it’s important to take breaks and give your knees a rest. It’s better to take breaks and go slowly than to push through the pain and risk further injury.

By following these tips and taking a mindful approach to your workouts, you can stay active and healthy while protecting your knees. Remember, it’s important to listen to your body and be aware of any discomfort or pain you may be feeling, and to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

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