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Basic Stress Mastery Blood Test Panel

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The Basic Stress Mastery Blood Test Panel includes a CMP-14, CBC, Lipid Panel, Thyroid Panel with TSH, Free Tri-iodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4) Free Direct, A1c, AM Cortisol, and Fasting Insulin.


Test Code:


CPT Code(s):

See Individual Tests


See Individual Tests




Patient should be on a stable diet, ideally for two to three weeks prior to collection of blood, and should fast for 12 to 14 hours before collection of the specimen. Stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection. Blood must be drawn before 10am.

Test Results:

2-3 days. May take longer based on weahter, holiday or lab delays.

Walk-In Lab is prohibited from selling LabCorp tests to residents in the following states:NY, NJ, RI, MA, MD


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Test Code:


CPT Code(s):

See Individual Tests


See Individual Tests




Patient should be on a stable diet, ideally for two to three weeks prior to collection of blood, and should fast for 12 to 14 hours before collection of the specimen. Stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection. Blood must be drawn before 10am.

Test Results:

2-3 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

Walk-In Lab is prohibited from selling Quest tests to residents in the following states:AZ, NY, NJ, RI

Stress Mastery by Bill Cortright

Wellness #2 Profile with 55 results including:
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Used as a broad screening test to check for such disorders as anemia, infection, and many other diseases, as it analyzes different parts of the blood.
Thyroid Panel
Total T-4 (Thyroxine); T-3 uptake; Free Thyroxine Index (FTI); T-7; and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Lipid Profile
Cholesterol, Total, HDL Cholesterol (High-density lipoproteins, or the "good" cholesterol), LDL Cholesterol (Low-density lipoproteins, or the "bad" cholesterol), Cholesterol/HDL Ratio Calculated by dividing the total cholesterol by the HDL cholesterol, and Triglycerides (fat in the blood)
Liver Profile
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT), Albumin, Serum; Albumin/Globulin Ratio; Alkaline Phosphatase; Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST or SGOT; Bilirubin, Total; Globulin, Total; Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH); Protein; GGT also known as Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase.
Kidney Panel
Urea Nitrogen (BUN); Creatinine Serum, Uric Acid. BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Minerals and Bone
Iron Total, Calcium, Phosphorus
Fluids & Electrolytes
Chloride Serum, Potassium, Sodium, Carbon Dioxide
Diabetes Glucose
Blood sugar level is the most direct single test to uncover diabetes and may be used not only to identify diabetes but also to evaluate control of the disease.


Tri-iodothyronine (T3) normally represents only approximately 5% of the thyroid hormone and like thyroxine is almost entirely bound to the carrier proteins, with only 0.25% of the total being in the free state. Measurement of Free T-3 is of value in confirming the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, when an elevated free or total thyroxine level is found. Abnormal total and free tri-iodothyronine concentrations can appear in T3 toxicosis, in the presence of normal thyroxine levels. Free T3 levels are not affected by carrier protein variation.


Free T4 is the active form of thyroxine and is thought to be a more accurate reflection of thyroid hormone function. The free T4 test is thought by many to be a more accurate reflection of thyroid hormone function and, in most cases, its use has replaced that of the total T4 test. A total T4 or free T4 test is primarily ordered in response to an abnormal TSH test result. Sometimes the T4 will be ordered along with a TSH to give the doctor a complete evaluation of the adequacy of the thyroid hormone feedback system. These tests are usually ordered when a person has symptoms of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism


The Hemoglobin A1C is primarily used as a means of calculating average levels glucose in the blood over an extended period of time.  This test is used to evaluate glucose levels in the blood over the 2 to 3 months previous to the test.  This test is very important in managing one’s diabetes.  Scientists believe that keeping the blood sugar in the body within normal range can help individuals with diabetes to avoid many of the risks and side effects that people with diabetes often face.  The benefit of the hemoglobin A1c blood test is that it provides information on overall glycemic health over a several month period.  Other blood tests of glucose level are highly sensitive to determining glucose levels at the time the test is taken, but they do not give information on average glucose blood levels.  The test works by measuring the hemoglobin A1c level.  Hemoglobin is stored in the red blood cells.  When glucose levels are high, the sugar starts to combine with the hemoglobin.  It takes the body 8 to 12 weeks to bring hemoglobin A1c levels back to normal.  Therefore, if hemoglobin A1c levels are high, that means that there has been a high level of glucose in the blood over the last 2 to 3 months. 

Cortisol - Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Production and secretion of cortisol is stimulated by ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, a tiny organ located inside the head below the brain. Cortisol has a range of roles in the body. It helps break down protein, glucose, and lipids, maintain blood pressure and regulate the immune system. Heat, cold, infection, trauma, stress, exercise, obesity, and debilitating disease can influence cortisol concentrations.

Fasting Insulin levels may be useful predicting susceptibility to the development of type II diabetes, though C-peptide has mostly supplanted insulin measurement for this role. The measurement of insulin levels is not included in The American Diabetes Association recommendations for diagnosis






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