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Gastrointestinal (GI) Effects Microbial Ecology Stool Profile - 3 Day - Genova Test Kit

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The GI Effects Microbial Ecology Stool Profile - 3 Day - Genova Test Kit uses DNA analysis to identify parameters for identifying gastrointestinal disorders.


Test Code:






No fasting is required. Ship to lab Monday-Thursday only. Please read all of the directions and the collection procedures prior to starting test.

Test Results:

17 Days once the lab receives the specimen. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.


You will receive an activation card with the test kit. To activate your test kit, scan the barcode or go to https://www.gdx.net and follow the prompts.  

Your gastrointestion (GI) function is important to digestion, nutrient usage and ridding the body of waste and pathogens. Poor digestion and malabsorption can lead to immune dysfunction, nutritional insufficiencies and various disease states. Poor GI function can also lead to food allergies and other toxicities.

The GI Effects Profile uses DNA analysis to identify microbiota including anaerobes, a previously immeasurable area of the gut environment. DNA assessment is highly accurate and reports results as specific numbers.

Over 99% of the bacteria in the gut are anaerobes, but in the cecum, aerobic bacteria reach high densities. Under normal homeostatic conditions, the intestinal microflora are of central importance in preventing colonization by pathogens, termed “colonization resistance.” Microorganisms perform a host of useful functions, such as fermenting unused energy substrates, communicating with the immune system, preventing growth of harmful species, regulating the development of the gut, producing vitamins for the host (such as biotin and vitamin K), and producing hormones.

The Microbial Profile focuses on predominate, opportunistic, and pathogenic bacteria, as well as yeast/fungi, parasites, adiposity index, and microbial and fungi sensitivities. It is also an easy and cost-effective follow-up testing option to monitor targeted therapy in patients.

Advantages of GI Effects Stool Profile

  • Greater Accuracy Microbial DNA analysis improves the accuracy of results and includes both aerobes and anaerobes. Anaerobes comprise over 95% of the bacteria in the gut.
  • Antibiotic resistance genes DNA analysis detects organisms possessing genes that give rise to antibiotic resistance, offering clinicians a superior tool for effective patient management.
  • Single Sample Collection The GI Effects Stool Profile requires only one sample collection leading to improved patient compliance.
  • Increased Sensitivity GI Effects detects as few as 5 cells per gram.

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