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Walk-in-lab Lab Test: Vitamin #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel

Vitamin #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel

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A Vitamin #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel includes Vitamin B12, Vitamin K1, Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy, Iron with Total Iron-Binding Capacity, Folate (Folic Acid), and Comprehensive Metabolic Panel - 14 tests plus Magnesium RBC, Ferritin Serum, Prealbumin and Vitamin C.


Vitamin #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel includes:

Vitamin B12 -
Ordered to help in diagnosing the cause of macrocytic anemia.

Vitamin K1 -  deficiency may be induced by obstructive icterus, obstructive liver disease, malabsorption due to celiac disease, pancreatitis, diarrhea, and antibiotic abuse; may be used to treat blood clotting disorders, bone metabolism disorders, and hemorrhagic disorders of newborns. In humans, deficiency of vitamin K leads to decreased concentrations of circulating, active coagulation factors, and often results in bleeding. Vitamin K nutritional status is implicated in osteoporosis. human epidemiological and intervention studies suggest that vitamin K may reduce bone loss in osteoporotic people and decrease fracture risk.

Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy - tests are used to determine if bone malformation, bone weakness, or abnormal metabolism of calcium (reflected by abnormal calcium, phosphorus or PTH tests) is occurring as a result of a deficiency or excess of vitamin D. Because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and is absorbed from the intestine like a fat, vitamin D tests are sometimes used to monitor individuals with diseases that interfere with fat absorption, such as cystic fibrosis and Crohn's disease, to assure that they have adequate amounts of vitamin D. Vitamin D tests also are used to determine effectiveness of treatment when vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium, and/or magnesium supplementation is prescribed.

The Iron and Total Iron-binding Capacity test is used for testing differential diagnosis of anemia, evaluation of thalassemia and possible sideroblastic anemia, and the evaluation of iron poisoning. Specimen collection must be done before patient is given therapeutic iron or blood transfusion. Iron determinations on patients who have had blood transfusions should be delayed at least four days.

CMP-14 Includes:
Glucose - Blood sugar level, the most direct test to discover diabetes, may be used not only to identify diabetes, but also to evaluate how one controls the disease.

Kidney Profile
Bun or Urea Nitrogen
- BUN is another by-product of protein metabolism eliminated through the kidneys and an indicator of kidney function. Creatinine, Serum  An indicator of kidney function.
Bun/Creatinine Ratio
- Calculated by dividing the BUN by the Creatinine.

Glomerular Filtration (eGFR) Provides an assessment of the filtering capacity of the kidney.
Liver panel
Protein, Total
- Together with albumin, it is a measure of the state of nutrition in thebody.

Albumin Serum one of the major proteins in the blood and a reflection of the general state of nutrition. Globulin, Total A major group of proteins in the blood comprising the infection fighting antibodies.
Albumin/Globulin Ratio
Calculated by dividing the albumin by the globulin.

Bilirubin, Total A chemical involved with liver functions. High concentrations may result in jaundice.
Alkaline Phosphatase A body protein important in diagnosing proper bone and liver functions.
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST or SGOT) an enzyme found in skeletal and heart muscle, liver and other organs. Abnormalities may represent liver disease.
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT) an enzyme found primarily in the liver. Abnormalities may represent liver disease.
Fluids & Electrolytes
- One of the major salts in the body fluid, sodium is important in the body's water balance and the electrical activity of nerves and muscles.

Potassium Helps to control the nerves and muscles.
Similar to sodium, it helps to maintain the body's electrolyte balance.

Carbon Dioxide, Total Used to help detect, evaluate, and monitor electrolyte imbalances.
Calcium- A mineral essential for development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It is important also for the normal function of muscles, nerves and blood clotting.

Folic Acid (Folate) is a B9 vitamin that our bodies uses to make new cells. It is important because it can help prevent major birth defects of the baby's brain and spine (anencephaly and spina bifida) by 50% to 70%. Women need folic acid every day, whether they're planning to get pregnant or not, for the healthy new cells the body makes daily. The amount of folate inside the red blood cell (RBC) is usually at a higher concentration inside the cell than in the serum. Folate may also be ordered to help in diagnosing the cause of behavioral or mental changes, especially in the elderly. Necessary for normal RBC formation, tissue and cellular repair, and DNA synthesis, folate is found in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, dry beans and peas, liver, and yeast.

Magnesium RBC – Magnesium is an essential trace element and deficiency leads to irritability, neuromuscular abnormalities, renal and cardiac damage. Magnesium's salts are used as antacids and cathartics. Excessive amounts of magnesium may cause Central Nervous Sytem (CNS) depression, loss of muscle tone, respiratory and cardiac arrest.

Ferritin is a protein in the body that binds to iron, most iron stored in the body is bound to ferritin. It is found in the liver, skeletal muscles, spleen, and bone marrow. There is only a small amount of ferritin that is found in the blood, and the amount of ferritin in the blood shows how much iron is stored in your body.

Prealbumin is functional in transporting T4 and T3. It is a negative acute phase reactant and has a molecular mass of 54,000. Values are decreased in inflammatory processes, malignancy, protein malnutrition, and protein wasting diseases of the gut or kidney. Values are increased in Hodgkin disease.

Vitamin C levels are an adequate measurement of clinical status. Vitamin C is a cofactor for protocollagen hydroxylase; it promotes the conversion of tropocollagen to collagen. Low values occur in malabsorption, alcoholism, scurvy, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, and renal failure. Smokers have lower levels than nonsmokers. Patients with scurvy have values <0.2 mg/dL. Principal clinical findings in scurvy include petechiae, bleeding gums, follicular hyperkeratosis, perifollicular hemorrhages beginning on the lower thighs, muscle aches, easy fatiguability, and emotional changes.

Test Code(s):

2321, 2276




Fasting for at least 12 hours is required. Avoid vitamin C supplements and fruits 24 hours before collection. Stop biotin 72 hours prior. Draw blood before starting the Schilling test, transfusions, or B12 therapy.

Test Results:

10 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday, or lab delays.

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