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Exposure Tests

Exposure testing is important because chemical hazards and toxic substances pose a wide range of health hazards and human parasitic infections often go unnoticed or are misdiagnosed. Toxins are poisonous and extremely harmful substances, which causes potential harm to the various organs in the body. Liver and kidney sustain the damage and the toxin build up starts forming in the blood. And once this happens, there are strong and severe symptoms that start developing. The only way in which toxins can be checked in the blood is through blood tests. Heavy metal toxicity can result in damage to the vital organs, neurological and muscular degeneration, cancer, allergies and even death. Occupational exposure is the most common way people are exposed to heavy metals but other ways exposure happens is through environmental releases in the air, water and soil, intentional poisoning, living in or remodeling old homes, cigarette smoke, contaminated soil, ingestion, or taking metal-based supplements at unnecessary levels. Heavy metal testing is recommended for anyone who believes they have had exposure in the workplace or through other means especially if they are exhibiting symptoms of heavy metals poisoning. Family members of those exposed in the workplace should also be tested as toxic particulates can be brought into the home on clothing. Millions of Americans develop parasitic infections and symptoms often go unnoticed or are misdiagnosed. An infection can lead to serious health problems, including blindness, pregnancy complications, seizures, heart failure, and even death. Many kinds of lab tests are available to diagnose parasitic diseases. Some, but not all, parasitic infections can be detected by testing your blood. Blood tests look for a specific parasite infection; there is no blood test that will look for all parasitic infections. An ova and parasite test stool test is used to find parasites that cause diarrhea, loose or watery stools, cramping, flatulence and other abdominal illness.

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NutrEval Plasma and Urine Test Plus Vitamin D - Geno...

The NutrEval® Plasma and Urine Test Plus Vitamin D - Genova Test Kit assesses various antioxidants, B vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and vitamin D to ascertain nutritional deficiencies and imbalances.  Note: This is a pre-paid shipping test kit that will be mailed and it requires a blood draw. Please Click Here to locate a lab for specimen collection.

Heavy Metals Profile I Urine Test

The Heavy Metals Profile I Urine Test checks for harmful levels of arsenic, lead, and mercury to help prevent health problems by detecting exposure early and guiding treatment.

Mercury Urine Test, Random

A mercury urine test is used to detect an excess of mercury.

Cadmium Blood Test

A Cadmium Blood Test is used to monitor recent or acute exposure to cadmium

Titanium Blood Test

The Titanium Blood Test measures titanium levels in the blood to help identify and treat potential health problems related to titanium exposure.

Arsenic Blood Test

The Arsenic Blood Test is used to test for acute exposure to arsenic and/or monitor recent exposure to it.

West Nile Virus (WNV) Antibody Serum Test

The West Nile Virus Antibody Serum Test aids in the diagnosis of West Nile virus encephalitis.

Fungal Antibodies Blood Test, Quantitative Double Im...

The fungal antibodies blood test, quantitative double immunodiffusion aids in the diagnosis of pathogenic or opportunistic fungal infections.  

21/20 Molds Sensitivity/Intolerance Panel - ALCAT Te...

The 21/20 Molds Sensitivity/Intolerance Panel - ALCAT Test Kit assesses immune responses to 20 different molds and Candida albicans, if ordered with an Alcat food panel of 100 or more items. Note: This is a pre-paid shipping test kit that will be mailed and it requires a blood draw. Please Click Here to locate a lab for specimen collection.

Cholinesterase, RBC and Plasma Test

The Cholinesterase, RBC and Plasma Test assesses the activity levels of cholinesterase enzymes in red blood cells and plasma, aiding in diagnosing and monitoring organophosphate and carbamate poisoning.

Cadmium, 24-Hour Urine Test

The Cadmium, 24-Hour Urine Test evaluates exposure to the toxic metal cadmium in a urine sample over 24 hours.

Osmolality Blood Test

An osmolality blood test is used to evaluate the level of sodium, glucose, and blood urea nitrogen (a byproduct of proteins as they are broken down by the body) in your bloodstream. 

Comprehensive Urine Element Profile - Genova Test Ki...

The Comprehensive Urine Elements Profile is a toxic exposure test which measures urinary excretion of 15 nutrient elements and 20 toxic metals.

Toxic & Essential Elements Blood Spot Profile - ZRT ...

The Toxic & Essential Elements Blood Spot - ZRT Test Kit detects toxic heavy metals and measures specific essential elements to evaluate potential toxic exposure and nutritional status in the bloodstream.

Manganese Whole Blood

The Manganese Whole Blood is used to monitor manganese exposure.

Chromium Plasma Test

This Chromium Plasma Test is used for industrial exposure and monitoring of Chromium Plasma. This test is not intended to monitor the level of chromium in diabetics or suspected chromium deficiencies.

Nickel, Whole Blood Test

The nickel, whole blood test is used to evaluate exposure to nickel.

GI Pathogen Profile, Multiplex PCR Stool Kit - Docto...

The GI Pathogen Profile, Multiplex PCR Stool Kit—Doctor's Data Test Kit is designed to pinpoint harmful germs that cause digestive issues like diarrhea or vomiting. This test detects DNA from different pathogens in stool samples, helping doctors choose the most effective treatment to speed up recovery.

Toxic Metals Fecal Kit - Doctor's Data Test Kit

The Toxic Metals Fecal Kit - Doctor's Data Test Kit is designed to check for heavy metal toxicity by measuring the levels of heavy metals in a stool sample.

Chaetomium Globosum IgE Blood Test

The Chaetomium Globosum test measures the IgE antibody levels to screen for and diagnose an allergy to Chaetomium Globosum mold.

Ova and Parasite Urine Test

The Ova and Parasite Urine Test helps doctors diagnose parasitic infections like Schistosoma haematobium by checking urine samples for the eggs of these parasites.

Bartonella DNA Blood Test, Qualitative Real-Time PCR

A Bartonella DNA PCR test can be used to detect the presence of Bartonella species DNA in your blood and differentiate between Bartonella henselae and Bartone quintana infections.

Lead Standard Profile, Blood

The Lead and Protoporphyrin Blood Test measures lead and zinc protoporphyrin levels in the blood to screen for chronic lead exposure. 

Comprehensive Wellness #1 - ALCAT Test Kit

The Comprehensive Wellness Panel #1 Test Kit identifies intolerances to 200 foods, 30 food additives/colorings/preservatives, and 20 molds. Note: This is a pre-paid shipping test kit that will be mailed and it requires a blood draw. Please Click Here to locate a lab for specimen collection.

Whole Blood Elements Kit - Doctor's Data Kit

The Whole Blood Elements Kit—Doctor's Data Kit is used to diagnose lead, mercury, or other metal poisoning. This test measures the levels of metals in the blood cells and in the serum/plasma outside the cells.  Note: This is a pre-paid shipping test kit that will be mailed and it requires a blood draw. Please Click Here to locate a lab for specimen collection.

Barium Blood Test

A Barium Blood Test monitors exposure to Barium.

Isocyanates Profile Blood Test

The Isocyanates Profile Blood Test assesses exposure to isocyanates to aid in diagnosing and managing isocyanate-induced asthma and other respiratory conditions.

Silicon, Serum/Plasma Test

A Silicon, Serum/Plasma Test assesses the presence of Silicon.

Copper, Random Urine

A Copper Urine Test, Random monitors exposure to copper.

DetoxiGenomic Profile, Buccal Swab - Genova Test Kit

The DetoxiGenomic profile identifies genomic risk for chemical sensitivities, oxidative stress, and ability to handle various medications.

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